A Few Helpful Items to Bring to Your Newborn Session
I just love being a Minneapolis area newborn photographer! After we have secured your portrait session, I always send out a prep guide to help you with all the unknowns--nothing sets us up for a successful newborn session better than coming prepared.
I love the following newborn items--and all of them can probably be found in your home already so no need to stress about purchasing anything else. If you don't happen to have these items, a quick trip to Target, Amazon or even your local drugstore will set you up in the right direction.
Firstly, a pacifier! Even if your baby is not taking a pacifier or you are wishing to not use one, they are incredibly helpful for our short time together. I will be gently moving your baby into poses while they are sleeping soundly and a pacifier can help make those transitions much easier for them. I've linked my favorite ones here.
Secondly, a zipped or button pajama outfit! As much as I love a cute little outfit on a newborn, removing an item over their head can cause them to be disturbed. I hope that your little one arrives with a full belly and is sleeping soundly upon arrival so we want to do everything we can to keep them sleeping peacefully! I've linked an example here
And lastly, a full belly! Feeding your baby before you arrive usually guarantees your baby will comfortably fall asleep on your drive over and stay sleeping upon arrival. It also allows us to get to work right away. As a backup precaution, it is always a bonus if you can bring a backup bottle just in case your little one needs a little snack in between our setups!
If you are hoping to book a family session for this summer, please reach out! I am only going to be taking a select number of sessions each month to elevate the experience every family deserves to get from Sweet Smudge Photography. Family sessions include all the images from your gallery and client closet and I promise---lots of laughs!